what we offer
Our Services

Trading with Power
EnSCo AG is a Swiss based energy trade company bringing together highly skilled professionals with many years of experience in the sector.
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Energy Markets
EnSCo is participating in the major wholesale power markets in Central and Southeastern Europe (C/SEE). Through our own and our partner's network we have uninhibited access to all the electricity transmission systems in the region. We can deliver power to more than 25 borders and provide access to 7 power exchanges.

Portfolio Management
EnSCo based on its extended power trading network and experience in the sector is offering Portfolio Optimization & Management services suited for groups of large industrial corporations who are seeking to lower their overall energy cost, optimize their energy use and differentiate their supply sources.

Emissions Trading
Emissions trading or cap and trade is a market-based approach used to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants. Carbon emissions trading is a form of emissions trading that specifically targets carbon dioxide and it currently constitutes the bulk of emissions trading.
Aim to become a highly efficient niche player in the C/SEE Region

our approach
Market Access
Since the beginning of 2014 EnSCo has been trading in 9 energy markets including some of the most liquid power exchanges in Europe and indirectly on 10 additional borders covering almost all of C/SE Europe

PX Access
- APEX (Albania)
- EnEx (Greece)
- EPEX Spot (Germany/France/Switzerland)
- EXAA (Austria)
- HUPX (Hungary)
- IBEX (Bulgaria)
- IPEX (Italy)
- PMUM (Turkey)
- SEEPEX (Serbia)
Indirect Access
- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Romania
- Slovakia